Johann Wilhelm Haas - Nürnberg ca. 1700
Original in D
Auf Wunsch mit 1-Loch Bogen passend zum Instrument erhältlich.
Johann Wilhelm Haas - Nürnberg ca. 1700
Original in D
Auf Wunsch mit 1-Loch Bogen passend zum Instrument erhältlich.
I.W.Haas - Einfaches Modell

-Aron Vajna-

„Building instruments is more than just a job for me – it is my love, my passion. My hope is, that every musician feels this when playing my instruments!”
After many years of playing trumpet, Aron Vajna successfully began his apprenticeship as maker of brass instruments in Budapest, Hungary, his home town. Studying under the tutelage of master Istvan Andrik at the School of Musical Instrument Making of the renowned Franz Liszt Academy, Aron successfully completed his diploma in 1997.
At the invitation of a trumpet making firm, Aron moved to Switzerland in 2001 and over the following years gained experience working in several different workshops. In 2004, he was engaged by the firm Blechblas-Instrumentenbau Egger in Basel, where he began to exclusively focus on the building of historical instruments.
In 2006, Aron completed his certification in music instrument building in Markneukirchen, Germany, an acclaimed centre for music instrument making for over 350 years, receiving the title of Master Instrument Maker.
In 2008, Aron opened his own atelier for historical brass instrument making in Basel.