Johann Wilhelm Haas - Nürnberg ca. 1700
Original in D
Auf Wunsch mit 1-Loch Bogen passend zum Instrument erhältlich.
Johann Wilhelm Haas - Nürnberg ca. 1700
Original in D
Auf Wunsch mit 1-Loch Bogen passend zum Instrument erhältlich.
I.W.Haas - Einfaches Modell

Pollux is our newly developed trumpet model in Bb, named after the star famous since antiquity, which is known for its size and beauty.
“Easy response”, “perfect intonation”, “carrying sound” – for sure, but Pollux can forgo these and similar standard descriptions.
Pollux has a special radiance. It plays rich in overtones, very free, yet also controlled. There are no barriers when playing, only absolute confidence in the instrument.
As a variant to Pollux, we also created Pollux Pro. It is a trumpet, also in Bb, with a special shape, which creates the feeling of being closer to the sound. Quite intimate, even becoming one with the sound.
But don’t let this impression fool you, Pollux Pro also has a real bite.
By the way, the star Pollux has an equally famous twin brother, Castor.
Our “Castor” is currently in development…